Here's something that's pretty cool. We got a visit from some of our friends and former crew members Graham and Tyler.

Honestly, this blog entry is going to be a little photo excessive, but that's only because Graham's beard is so magnificent, it just begs for documentation. Graham set a goal for himself to not cut a single hair on his face for one whole year and he's done on the 25th of February. You go Graham! Maybe when you cut it off you can donate it to Phil so he can finally have some facial hair.

Graham is our old tour manager, but when he was out with us, he had a much smaller beard. This thing makes Brooks' old beard look like a preteen's peach fuzz. Lucky for you guys, I took this picture after he cleaned all of his excess Wendy's dribble off his chin. Lunch with his beard is a real hazard. I'm sure it's like trying to snack with a wombat hanging onto your chin so I have to give a lot of credit to Graham. By the way, this is our second Wendy's plug. Are you listening Wendy's? DO give Sullivan some food.

Since working as our tour manager, Graham has been working on several Underoath, Norma Jean and The Almost tours. Look for him behind the merch table during the upcoming Taking Back Sunday/Underoath tour. By the way, this is a photograph of Graham's face being lit up by 8-bit Zelda.

He begged Phil to go onto the internet and find a Zelda map for him, but sadly, nobody had a laptop with them and Graham can't beat Zelda without cheating so he had to quit.

Ok, this is Tyler, better known as Piggs Riggs. You may remember Tyler from his many months behind our merch table. Tyler looks a lot like an elf, with his elf boots and hat. Also, he usually smells pretty bad, but is a great person. He got us hooked on the show Lost so badly that we had to get a hotel room once just to watch through seven episodes of season 2. One time Piggs was getting a cold on tour but he said "Hey Cold, do you know who you are infectin'? I'm Tyler Riggs," and the cold went away. That's the way he tells it anyway.

Piggs got the name Piggs because one of the first things he did when we brought him to our house was eat about 10 servings of pasta that Tyson had made. We found him on the couch with a huge salad bowl full of it. He finished it too as I remember. Piggs is hungry.
Graham's Beard (February 25, 2006-February 25, 2007)Beard, we hardly knew ye.