hello everyone. my name's matt and i play guitar in a
band called showbread. as many of you know we like
these sullivan guys alot and i personally have been
talking with brooks almost everyday about the making
of the new record and the new songs. honestly he runs
every idea he has by me and i either approve the song
for the record or tell him to head back to the drawing
board and start over if the song sucks. nothing goes
on that record without my permission. so today phil is
tracking drums. me and phil are pretty down. in fact
we have plans to someday have a place together with 2
recliners and a big tv to play video games and watch
shows like lost and arrested development...but the
cool thing is that the chairs will be on tracks so we
can move the chairs out to the porch and like fish off
the porch or something. but the best part is is that
the place will be full stocked with little debi's and
dr pepper. sounds neat huh? oh yeah..the record..so
phil's tracking drums currently. he's a good
drummer...no..i dare say a great drummer. hits em real
hard and looks gooood doing it. poor guy..he'd
probably have a gnarly beard right now too but chances
are he just has a nast crustache..but thats ok. he has
great hair. so once phil's done the bass will be laid
down..then probably guitars and vocals...blah blah
blah...but i must say...i'm very excited about the
direction of this sullivan record. i've heard a few
snippets of ideas and it's gonna be a great record. a
couple of suggestions to the sullivans....brooks...rbi
baseball rules...but mike tysons punch out is
better....tyson.....well..i cant suggest anything to
tyson. he's perfect. zach...go with the 125's. i love
sullivan. showbread loves sullivan. go buy their
record when it comes out. sullibread. zero seven. do
Matt Davis lives in Savannah Georgia and looks sort of like a much younger Peter Jackson. He enjoys listening to Johnny Cash and Queen and is not ashamed to admit he loves Avenged Sevenfold. When not growing his occasional beard, he plays guitar in the band Showbread. Check out their new record "The Age of Reptiles" in stores now on Tooth and Nail Records.