hello everyone. my name's matt and i play guitar in a
band called showbread. as many of you know we like
these sullivan guys alot and i personally have been
talking with brooks almost everyday about the making
of the new record and the new songs. honestly he runs
every idea he has by me and i either approve the song
for the record or tell him to head back to the drawing
board and start over if the song sucks. nothing goes
on that record without my permission. so today phil is
tracking drums. me and phil are pretty down. in fact
we have plans to someday have a place together with 2
recliners and a big tv to play video games and watch
shows like lost and arrested development...but the
cool thing is that the chairs will be on tracks so we
can move the chairs out to the porch and like fish off
the porch or something. but the best part is is that
the place will be full stocked with little debi's and
dr pepper. sounds neat huh? oh yeah..the record..so
phil's tracking drums currently. he's a good
drummer...no..i dare say a great drummer. hits em real
hard and looks gooood doing it. poor guy..he'd
probably have a gnarly beard right now too but chances
are he just has a nast crustache..but thats ok. he has
great hair. so once phil's done the bass will be laid
down..then probably guitars and vocals...blah blah
blah...but i must say...i'm very excited about the
direction of this sullivan record. i've heard a few
snippets of ideas and it's gonna be a great record. a
couple of suggestions to the sullivans....brooks...rbi
baseball rules...but mike tysons punch out is
better....tyson.....well..i cant suggest anything to
tyson. he's perfect. zach...go with the 125's. i love
sullivan. showbread loves sullivan. go buy their
record when it comes out. sullibread. zero seven. do
Matt Davis lives in Savannah Georgia and looks sort of like a much younger Peter Jackson. He enjoys listening to Johnny Cash and Queen and is not ashamed to admit he loves Avenged Sevenfold. When not growing his occasional beard, he plays guitar in the band Showbread. Check out their new record "The Age of Reptiles" in stores now on Tooth and Nail Records.
I love Showbread.
I love Sullivan.
But I especially love them together.
when is Sullibread coming back to Ohio?
you all need to come back soon.
I can't wait for this new record.
I'm so excited.
I just can't hide it..
hehehe. showbread...haha my default myspace picture reminds me of showbread because i'm holding a huge yeller' snake...not nearly as big as the one in showbread's picture...but still...
anyways i love sullibread...chicago, IL is calling your name =]
HAHA crustache... oh geeze.
!woot woot!
2 amazing bands!!
p.s. i love matt better the sullivan haha j/k
they're both equal in my heart
wooo!! awesome!! ^^ your awesome Matt!! *hugs* Sullivan rocks just as hard! Oklahoma misses Showbread!! >< (OKC in articular lol) COME BACK SOON!!! lol eeep new record!! *faints* lol peace guys
i love you matt <3
like a cat loves mice. like a nerd loves a computer. like a hamster loves the spinny wheel thingys. like the sun loves the sky. like the ocean loves salty water. like the sharks loves the salty water too. like i love natural freshwater. but most of all i love you more than all of that
oh man showbread best band EVER
sullibread in ohio=
cajun chicken
come to ohio soon
i can't wait for the new sullivan record
i've had 'hey i'm a ghost' since the week it came out
rad stuff
i love you guys
[both bands]
if i can find some recliners on tracks for you guys will you come down to the gulf coast? ya know, mobile, pensacola, anywhere... i loved the show and can't wait to see you guys again!
I WILL buy the Sullivan CD when it comes out....because you told me to and you and your band are too awesome for me to not do exactly what you say.
Me and my friend were at tower records the second to last day it closed
(he plays guitar)
(actually...I think he took a picture with you once) (I drum)
...and I bought your guys CD; my friend I was with bought like seven of them....becuase we didn't want to see them go to waste. So he gave them to people for presents.
PLEASE convince the rest of your band to come to Fairfax, Virginia and put on a show of epic proportions.
And I'll tell my sister to say hi to you cause she lives in Savanna.
Continue rocking for the man upstairs.
PEace and Love,
Bobby Tate
Showbread u rock..euhmmm so fucking excited for the next CD I love the first one and the second one...especially so selfish it's funny and oh! emetophobia....
U guys are lucky to play music and go onstage it's my dream and my Band's dream lol
anyways keep up showbread and don't get discourage..I love your songs and how they sound
peace out and come to montreal XD
hey baby! J'dore you mucho!
I love you baby!
Matt your the man! ohh...and sullivans allright too. no just kidding, sullivans crazy good. i had an epiphany if thats how you spell it...showbread and sullivan should make a song together and put it on sullivans new record. seriously. Jesus came to me in a dream and told me to tell yall to do it.
Sweet! I love Showbread and Sullivan. Thanks so much!
well, I love Matt. And Showbread. the end.
I heard there was Dr. Pepper and Little Debbies...
Oh yay, excitedness! Glad I came to read this 'cause know I know about the album.
Much love and God bless,
You're dream house sounds great. Can I come visit?
wow. i wish i'd found this blog earlier. i love sullivan and i love showbread. and sullibread is the best thing since.. err. dunno. but sacramento hasn't had you guys here in a while. i still listen to Hey, I'm A Ghost alot. it's perfect. I can't imagine this next album topping it. but sounds like it will.. so i'm excited. The Roseville Underground wants you back.
Awesome... that says a lot right there i think.... but if not.... then showbread and sullivan put the awe in awesome... wooooo
peace out!!!
Oh plis plis plis plis plis am on my knees!!!!! COME TO ECUADOR!!! Am begin ya!!!!!!!!
matt is hott
love travis
and my cat misses the love and care you gave it when you stayed at my house
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