If you look closely behind Brooks' Beardy face you'll see that he's just beaten the world record for RBI Baseball with 37 runs. The dude is happy. Way happy. We forgot Phil was playing drums in the other room for a few hours. This is how cool this was.
I'm kidding. Nobody cares.

As talented as Phil is, I got to tired of hearing drums I had to take off for a bit and go hang out with these pirate things for a bit.

Our friend Kyle came down to help in the studio for a while, but as you can see, all he's doing right now is helping this pirate skull look through a telescope which really doesn't help anybody.

I picked him up from a train station where he had waited for me to arrive for about two hours. I don't feel so bad because he had already waited on a train all night long so a little more waiting couldn't hurt. By the way, that's not a fake hook. It was just a rough train ride.
37... Punchline's right, ya know. It IS everywhere.
And Kyle's awesome. :)
Brooks.. everytime I see your beard I like it more and more. DONT GIVE IN TO THE DARK SIDE!!! KEEP THE BEARD!!!
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