Phil was busy today working his drummer butt off. The drum tracks are sounding amazing too. We're all excited about them and I'm sure Phil is ready to get them all done. Drumming for 10 hours at a time isn't an easy job.

This is a bad picture of the drum tech, Rob. He has a horrible job because basically, he spends hours fixing something so that Phil can hit them hard with sticks and then he can come back and fix everything again. To Rob's extra special credit, he purchased the Vinnie "Pantera" Paul snare drum for the recording this morning. You go Rob!

Here is what Phil was doing when he wasn't playing drums. Notice the Isis hoodie becuase it's cold in the studio, the phone for texting, the iPod for listening to the songs we're doing and the Coke Zero that you can't see in his other hand. Throw some drumming in there and that was our whole day.

Actually, this also went on today. Brooks brought the Nintendo 8-bit with us to the studio for he own personal relaxation time. The only game he plays is R.B.I. Baseball from 1988. You guys should have seen him during the first week of writing. He sat in the same place on our living room floor for 7 days with a guitar, the internet, some Dr. Pepper and this game. Didn't move for a week. Amazing. Brooks did try and look bad for this picture and it worked.


See you guys tomorrow.
Sounds like loads of fun guys. Drumming for 10 hours. I can drum for more than 4 seconds (then again I play bass). Yeah, that might be a good reason. Good luck with the cats, and good luck with the beard. Careful though, you might start finding birds in that thing.
hehe.. sounds like a sweet job.. keep up the brillance in blogging your day
i'm liking brooks' beard
Wonderful. (:
I can not wait until the CD
is done & released
& all that good stuff. :D
the beard is looking nice brooks...
i like the lyrics in most of your away messages on aim, but i cant figure out what songs they're from. possibly the new album? dun dun DUN!
i miss you d00ds. i missed your show here due to work, next time you come though i'm definitely there.
take care guys.
sweet blogs guys! stay on it!!! and you know what i mean... if you know what i mean
he is sitting entirely too close to the television........... in cause he didn't know
oh, and yea, i love you's guy's
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