Yeah, you heard it here folks, the record really is done. This is a picture of all of us plus James and Chris on the last day. Florida sure is bright.

This is Brooks looking surprised at how well the record came out. (Actually he's feigning surprise. He knew it was going to be good.)

Other than making the best record of our musical lives, here's what you missed. Right before we left, Rob the drum tech took us to Disney World again, where Phil and Jimmy met a giant stone cat.

This is Rob the drum tech dressed as a sultan and riding on top of a giant moving elephant shaped thing, playing drums while perched 12 feet in the air. Um, yeah, that's what that is. This is actually a job.

After all this fun, Rob took us out to eat Thai food at this amazing place. He loved us so much he paid for it all. Way to go Rob! Sullivan loves free food.

This is the guy from My American Heart who took the picture at the top of this post. They are recording their record right now with James. They also made us a little jealous because we want to be James' favorites. Watch out for them studio cats My American Heart! Also, you gotta jiggle the toilet handle or it will just keep running.

In closing, I would like to leave you with a picture of Tyson playing guitar in a garage. That is all.
I got a lot of good feeback on this blog and I enjoyed sharing our time with you guys. Hopefully I'll start another blog to update you on what we do during tours. So please check out the record, I can't wait for you guys to hear it. Also, make sure you come hang out with us at shows when we come see you.
So see you soon!
Zach and Sullivan
That's awesome to hear. I can't wait for the new record. I'm sure it'll be great. And you know I can't wait to see y'all in concert again. Keep on rocking.
y'all are so cool for keeping all us fans in the loop with the goings on in Sullivan-land.
i can't wait to hear the new record, and hopefully y'all will come to dallas soon so i can rock out with y'all! <33
For real dude- let's have at the pre-orders already. I don't care if it's a few months away. And I'm definitely springing for the "deluxe edition." There will be a deluxe edition, right?
It's been great following your crazy recording [and non recording] journey! Brooks, where did your beard go?!
Come back and post some tour blogs!
much love
AHHHHH, I cant wait, When can we hear the new stuff!!!
Awesome guys! I'm excited to hear the new stuff!
See you on Saturday!!!
-Josh from fessenden
Hooray for Sullivan.
Hooray for my ears!
Hooray for Disney World!
I'm so excited for the new record! I can't wait! klsdhfljkalhgkah !@1234!
well see..i would hang out with you guys, but you're not coming to St. Louis. so..tsk tsk. but yay the record is done! i'm excited to hear it!
Well fellows, I'm stoked. And very happy for you all.
I really can't wait to hear some of the new junk so feel free to tease me and put one or two on your myspace!
Ron Carter
Sweet! Can't wait to hear the new CD.
Brooks shaved his beard! :-O
Speaking of seeing you on at shows, Bec and I noticed you guys are missing the CA and UT venues. I'm very unhappy about that... We both realllllly want to see you. And I'm sure Mrs. Jensen would love to cook for you, too.
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