"What's this a picture of," you ask? Well I'm glad you asked. "It couldn't be just a picture of a door," you say. Well, I'm saying it could be, and it is. It's just a door. I looked through my camera tonight and this was the only good picture on it from today and it's not even good. I can't even remember if I took it. It does have a strange blue light coming from somewhere though. Ohhhhh call X-files.

I probably should say that this is a picture of me feeling bad for not blogging better, but I can't lie, it's just a picture of me that Phil took a few days ago. The good news is I finished my bass parts for the album today! Boo ya! Many thanks to Chris who worked 13 hours in a row today and made me sound like I know what I'm doing.

In other news, Tyson vanished again. We think he went to Tampa. This is a picture of him doing what he was last seen doing, playing Warcraft. This is also probably what he is doing where he ran off to, so he should be easy to spot. Look for a place with power, a wi-fi connection and a coffee pot. Come home soon Tyson!

Also, this is a picture of J.P. Wisner, the fellow is who making our record. Come to think of it, I haven't seen him lately either. If you see him wandering around, please send him back to the studio, I need him to listen to this last take.
So Zach, you just recorded the bass parts of one of the most important records of the 21st century, how does it feel?
Oh it feels great, thanks.
Well, what are you planning on doing next?
I'm planning to go to Disney World with Phil.
Yeah, that's what's happening. See you guys tomorrow.
yall is sexy
I'll keep my eyes peeled for Tyson and J.P. here in Pittsburgh, but I'm thinkin' they may not be here. I hope all goes well recording, and thanks for keping us up to date.
Your Pittsburgh Fan Base.
oh wow, thats pretty cool.
Hey guys
i cant wait to hear the recording
you guys are amazing
keep us up to date plz
and best of luck with the rest of the recording!
..and you too Sullivan
ps. showbread told me to do this
I'm leaving this post just so you know that I read you blog.
I think I might have seen them on the bus earlier.. heheh
Looks like you guys are working hard ;) Can't wait to hear the new cd!
My guess is that Tyson's in a line outside some video game shop somewhere waiting to get a copy of the new WoW expansion. WoW.
Yay new Sullivan album!
yay for finishing the bass parts!! and double yay for Disneyworld! no offense, i'd choose disney over most things :)
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