This is Sean. He took us to Disney World. For those paying attention, doing things like this for us seems to be the correct way to act. Take note. He's a Filipino-viking.

Basically while poor Brooks and Tyson slaved away all day in a blisteringly hot recording studio, me and Phil and our friend Kyle went and had a great day off.This is what Kyle and Phil look like to babies. Tall and creepy with a giant silver thing behind them.

This is a picture of Phil looking creepy as he waits to ride Pirates. We really didn't spend that much time in the parks because we kept going from place to place. We went to three parks in just a few hours.

Ok, I noticed there are two things that people take pictures of in Disney World. They either take a picture of them waving in front of a castle, or they take a picture of someone wearing stupid hats like we did. A note to NASA who made these things. These helmets look good but would be terrible for actual space travel as they are made of fabric. Idiots. This is the crap that all my tax dollars are going to. Or at least they would be, if I payed taxes.

Phil and Kyle wore these around for a while to make sure Sean felt at home. There aren't many Filipino-vikings in Orange County and sometimes life can get a bit sad for him without any Filipino-vikings (or Villipinos) his age to hang out with.

If you look closely you can see that I'm down to my last piece of facial hair. It's an old favorite called the "Soul Patch," not to be confused with "Soul Plane," which was a movie about planes and Snoop Dog or something and totally different. I kept thinking girls were smiling at me all day but then I realized after each one passed me that they probably just laughing at my sweet new S. Patch.

"I wish I could grow a beard!," says Phil, as he jumps in front of a cannon. Actually I have no idea what he was saying and I just remembered as I was writing this that I actually have at least two more pictures in different places in the States of Phil in front of some sort of cannon. I gotta think about that for a bit.

Anyway, thanks Sean! Hope you had as good of a time as we did. I'm kidding, of course you had a great time, you were with us. Hey, aren't we making a record? Oh yeah. More on that tomorrow.
that's not tyson.
jealousy has entered my soul. i hope your record is as awesome as the people in these photographs.
i think the nasa photo of you and kyle should be your new myspace photo...or at least...at least in the album artwork ;)
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